The marching season is over. What’s next?
Hold on. Take a moment to savor what you’ve already accomplished. How many performances has band given in the past 3 months? >...

Which Is More Beautiful
I have to admit, I LOVE Monet. I am drawn to the beauty of his paintings. One of the things I love most is the lack of definition. I will...

50% of the School Playing Band! Is that possible???
This video is from the 2017 Band Director Summit hosted by Aamano Music. In this video, I interviewed Robbie Spiers. Robbie retired last...

Rhythm is one of the most basic elements of any music. An ensemble with poor rhythm skills, we find difficulties not only on the stage...

Flute Tips: Three tips for improving tone and breathing
Guest post by Jennifer Rodriguez, Adjunct Instructor of Flute at Tarleton State University One of the most common questions I receive...

The Legacy of Dr. King
Today we celebrate the life of one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have always been...

Happy New Year! Resolutions (no… they’re GOALS!) for the Professional Band Geek
It’s the New Year! The big holidays are behind us. Marching Season seems like a distant past (...ok, maybe not…). And we are about to...

School Administrators: When Are You Going to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?
For years, school boards, education associations, government officials and administrators, have been making the claim that changes in...

A Good and Faithful Servant
Last week, the Davis High School Marching Band took center stage in one of the most prestigious marching events in the U.S.: the Macy's...

​ There Is Redemption in Music
I recently read a Psalm (it was Psalm 42, if you were wondering) and noticed that it was attributed to "the Sons of Korah". So... Who was...