Good News on the Horizon - 3rd Release of Preliminary Results of Aerosol Study in Music
The 3rd Release of the study came out today. One of the key findings in the preliminary study is that playing woodwind and brass...

The marching season is over. What’s next?
Hold on. Take a moment to savor what you’ve already accomplished. How many performances has band given in the past 3 months? >...

Which Is More Beautiful
I have to admit, I LOVE Monet. I am drawn to the beauty of his paintings. One of the things I love most is the lack of definition. I will...

The Band Trip
April and May are traditionally the time of year many music programs take their Spring Trip. It’s the perfect time. Assessment/Festival...

Harmoniemusik and the Artistic Heritage of the Wind Band
The 18th Century was an exciting time! In America we saw the birth of a nation built on the ideas of rugged individualism. Figures like...

Happy New Year! Resolutions (no… they’re GOALS!) for the Professional Band Geek
It’s the New Year! The big holidays are behind us. Marching Season seems like a distant past (...ok, maybe not…). And we are about to...

A Good and Faithful Servant
Last week, the Davis High School Marching Band took center stage in one of the most prestigious marching events in the U.S.: the Macy's...

​ Why is Grainger's music soooo good???
​ I never get tired of listening to, performing or studying the music of Percy Grainger! I remember the first time I programmed a piece...

Grading is fun!!! Not really… It pretty much sucks…
Grading in the band room can be difficult. It is not easy to quantify what a band director teaches. Our instruction time is vastly...

The Importance of Listening
I can remember the first Wynton Marsalis recording I ever heard. It was an early evening in the spring of 1991 in the band room of...