Fun Ways to Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We will see many organizations & people sporting pink apparel and accessories including many of the team players in the NFL. Many schools across the nation paint pink ribbons on their football fields and players may opt to wear pink sports gear. would like to offer some suggestions for how you can get your band involved in this awareness campaign and help to fight breast cancer!
1. Pink Marching Band Gloves are a fun way to show support. Many of the marching band supply retailers now stock pink gloves. Or you can make it an activity to dye gloves at the end of practice one day.
2. Pink Plumes or Shako Bands: Since Breast Cancer Awareness month occurs every October, consider purchasing a set of Pink Plumes or a set of Pink Shako Bands to wear at the home games. This could also be turned into a fundraiser to make a donation to a cancer support society. Students can purchase a plume or band for $20 (Retail cost is around $7-$15) and excess the proceeds can go to an organization to support Breast Cancer research or treatment. This may be a great service project for your Tri-M organization.

3. Pink Ribbons on the uniform: A simple and inexpensive way to show everyone in your band cares.

4. Pink Flags for the Color Guard: Another investment which will pay off in the long run. Make an investment in a set of Pink flags for the color guard.
5. Pink Shoe Laces: This is a fun and inconspicuous way to show support during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Do you have a favorite way to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Share your ideas in the comments below!