My Favorite Time of Year

One of my favorite memories from the classroom is taking my students caroling this time of year. I enlisted the help of the band parents and allowed the band members to sign up for this optional performance opportunity.
The band parents made the arrangements with their neighborhoods and HOAs and several of them opened their homes to the band members for warm cider and cookies (always a favorite of band kids… and their director…).
It was a great experience! People came out to their porches as the band members strolled through the neighborhoods playing simple Christmas Carols. They applauded enthusiastically and thanked the band members for helping to “make the season bright.”
For the next few weeks, I would run into people at the grocery store and mall and they would tell me how much they enjoyed having the students spread some holiday cheer.
If you haven’t had the experience, I highly encourage you to find a time this holiday season to take your band caroling.
If your experience is anything like mine, it may become of your favorite new tradition.